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My family are very friendly .It consist of(сколько человек в семье и кого как зовут)We like to do things together for example go walking and doing sports. I think that it is very important. I try to help my parents if it is nessesary. I live in Kirov. It is very little town but it has their own history. Kirov is not attractive place but it has very beautiful places such as Theatre Square, Naberesnaya, Alexander garden and so on... Our city is famous for Dimkova Toys. It is our symbol and you can see this toy only in Kirov. So, I love our town and proud of it.
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Answers & Comments
I live in Kirov. It is very little town but it has their own history. Kirov is not attractive place but it has very beautiful places such as Theatre Square, Naberesnaya, Alexander garden and so on... Our city is famous for Dimkova Toys. It is our symbol and you can see this toy only in Kirov. So, I love our town and proud of it.