The picture shows a doctor who treats people when they are ill. I think this doctor reads many books and teach others. Doctors always help people to live and enjoy from the life. Hanging on cardiometer on their necks, wearing white or blue clothes is suitable view for doctors.
They swear the Hippocratic oath not to betray their profession!
Doctors not only treat people but also help them to live a normal life. For example, psychologists help people to get their lives in order!
Answers & Comments
I would like to describe picture 3.
The picture shows a doctor who treats people when they are ill. I think this doctor reads many books and teach others. Doctors always help people to live and enjoy from the life. Hanging on cardiometer on their necks, wearing white or blue clothes is suitable view for doctors.
They swear the Hippocratic oath not to betray their profession!
Doctors not only treat people but also help them to live a normal life. For example, psychologists help people to get their lives in order!