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Re-write the sentences 1-4 below using the words in vreackets. Make any other changes necessary
1. Land has been farmed so intensively that there has been a significant decline in biodiversity. [contributed to]
Intensive farming __________________________________________________
2. Loss of vegetation has vaused a decline in the insect population. [consequently]
Vegetation _________________________________________________________
3. Because there are fewer insects, the small animals the feed on them have moved elsewhere [so]
There are _________________________________________________________
4. The disappearance of prey s[ecies has resulted in a marked reduction in numbers of predators sush as wild cats and owls [because of]
There hass been _________________________________
Answers & Comments
Re-write the sentences 1-4 below using the words in vreackets. Make any other changes necessary
1. Land has been farmed so intensively that there has been a significant decline in biodiversity. [contributed to]
Intensive farming __________________________________________________
2. Loss of vegetation has vaused a decline in the insect population. [consequently]
Vegetation _________________________________________________________
3. Because there are fewer insects, the small animals the feed on them have moved elsewhere [so]
There are _________________________________________________________
4. The disappearance of prey s[ecies has resulted in a marked reduction in numbers of predators sush as wild cats and owls [because of]
There hass been _________________________________