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The early Victorians liked large houses with plenty of decoration. Later in the Victorian period, houses were simple and plain. Wealthy people used to live in large detached houses with lots of rooms and expensive furniture.
Servants used to live on the top floor of the house or the attic. The exterior of the house was a work of art with a sleep tiled roof, tall chimney pots and large bay windows with stained glass. Sometimes they had a front porch (портик; крытая галерея, крыльцо) and steps up to the front door. Working people used to live in terraced brick houses with a simple exterior. Those houses were small with two or four rooms. these was no electricity no water and no toilet.
Answers & Comments
2. Where did servants use to live?
3. What was the exterior of the houses at that period?
4. What kind of houses did working people use to live in?
5. Was there electricity and water?
6 Is there any difference between houses of
the early later Victorian periods?
7. Do you like vicinity style? -викторианский стиль
the early later Victorian periods?