пожалуйста переведите на английский:я люблю спорт. мой любимый вид спорта футфол. любимый игрок в футболе Лионель Месси .на данный момент самый дорогой игрок мира и обладатель 5золотых мячей.сейчас играет за испанский клуб ФК БАРСЕЛОНА
I like sport. My favourite kind of sport is football. My favourite football player is Lionel Messi. He is the most expensive football player in the world and owner of five golden balls .He plays football for Spanish club Barcelona .
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I like sport. My favourite kind of sport is football. My favourite football player is Lionel Messi.He is the most expensive football player in the world and owner of five golden balls .He plays football for Spanish club Barcelona .