Утвердительные: She has a good work experience. I have three daughters. The sun rises in the east. This apartment is very expensive. Madrid is the capital of Spain. Отрицательные: The boys do not (don’t) cry. My sister isn’t at home. Kate doesn’t play chess. Tommy hasn’t a lamp. Вопросительные: Does Mary or Anne like her white dress? Which dress do you like? What do you write? What street do you live in? How much does your dress cost?
Answers & Comments
The sun rises in the east. This apartment is very expensive.
Madrid is the capital of Spain.
Отрицательные: The boys do not (don’t) cry. My sister isn’t at home. Kate doesn’t play chess. Tommy hasn’t a lamp.
Вопросительные: Does Mary or Anne like her white dress?
Which dress do you like? What do you write? What street do you live in? How much does your dress cost?