My plans for the future . When I grow up , I want to graduate from university with excellent grades . Then I will work as a doctor , I will treat patients . Then I 'll need a car that I 'll need to save up for . The car that I will buy in the future is (mersedes e klass 63amg 2018), in order to buy it, you need to accumulate 8,000,000 (рублей) . But before the car , first I will need to save for a house . In the future I would like to create my own company and would name it (название компании) . My biggest dream in the future is to create my own game with a team that we will call (название игры) . Here are my plans for the future.
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My plans for the future . When I grow up , I want to graduate from university with excellent grades . Then I will work as a doctor , I will treat patients . Then I 'll need a car that I 'll need to save up for . The car that I will buy in the future is (mersedes e klass 63amg 2018), in order to buy it, you need to accumulate 8,000,000 (рублей) . But before the car , first I will need to save for a house . In the future I would like to create my own company and would name it (название компании) . My biggest dream in the future is to create my own game with a team that we will call (название игры) . Here are my plans for the future.