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Some years ago the Aral was a bright sea with a lot offish. The rivers Amudarya and Syrdarya supplied it with water. But then the water of the rivers was diverted to cotton plantations. As a result, the Aral now is in a very dangerous position. If no immediate measures are taken, the Aral Sea will disappear by the year 2010.
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The Aral Sea is in a dangerous position now, because the water of the rivers Amudarya and Syrdarya was diverted to cotton plantations and early these rivers supplied the Aral Sea with water. Аральское море сейчас находится в опасном положении, потому что вода рек Амударьи и Сырдарьи была отведена для хлопковых плантаций, а раньше эти реки питали Аральское море водой.