Well this is my scary dream that i had a little while ago. Im a 16 year old guy
In my dream, i woke up out of bed, i wasnt in my house, i was in a bunk bed and i got up out of the bottum bed, i walked out of the room into a big corridor, the house looked huge, i walked past the kitchen and into the bathroom, directly infront of me was the shower, on the left was the sink and mirror, on the right ?? i dont remember. For some reason i walked over to the shower and turn it on and stopped and thought about how cold it was and wondered why that was seeing as tho the heating was on? and i stuck my head into the shower to wet my hair, i was looking down at the tiles, then i looked up in front of me And just like in the movies i heard the (DUN) and i saw a blurring image of a woman, i yelled, and it jumped at me and all i could get out was, get .. get off me.. then i woke up and i couldnt get to sleep for ages.. i know dreams have meanings, and i just wonder what this dream meant ?
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Well this is my scary dream that i had a little while ago. Im a 16 year old guy
In my dream, i woke up out of bed, i wasnt in my house, i was in a bunk bed and i got up out of the bottum bed, i walked out of the room into a big corridor, the house looked huge, i walked past the kitchen and into the bathroom, directly infront of me was the shower, on the left was the sink and mirror, on the right ?? i dont remember. For some reason i walked over to the shower and turn it on and stopped and thought about how cold it was and wondered why that was seeing as tho the heating was on? and i stuck my head into the shower to wet my hair, i was looking down at the tiles, then i looked up in front of me And just like in the movies i heard the (DUN) and i saw a blurring image of a woman, i yelled, and it jumped at me and all i could get out was, get .. get off me.. then i woke up and i couldnt get to sleep for ages.. i know dreams have meanings, and i just wonder what this dream meant ?