In medicine, feces analysis (coprogram) provides information on the functioning of the body, primarily on the state of food digestion processes in the digestive tract, on the work of the biliary system, on the bacterial balance of the colon, on the presence of latent bleeding from the gastrointestinal tract (occult blood test), and also about the presence of parasites (helminths) in the intestine, which allows detecting their presence in other parts of the body (see brain).
The preparation of a sample for general analysis of feces is not trivial and consists in adherence to a diet Russian and Pevsner's diet so that the sample was with
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In medicine, feces analysis (coprogram) provides information on the functioning of the body, primarily on the state of food digestion processes in the digestive tract, on the work of the biliary system, on the bacterial balance of the colon, on the presence of latent bleeding from the gastrointestinal tract (occult blood test), and also about the presence of parasites (helminths) in the intestine, which allows detecting their presence in other parts of the body (see brain).
The preparation of a sample for general analysis of feces is not trivial and consists in adherence to a diet Russian and Pevsner's diet so that the sample was with