Rearrange the sentence into its correct order. 1. you want be? to do What 2. people. sick nurse help want to a I be they because 3. be food. waiter want people I a because to they serve 4. a because want they dentist be I people's to teeth. fix help 5. pilot be I planes. want to fly because they a 6. to be go want because an to space, they astronaut 7. people. I be a help want they to policeman because 8. they to fight because fireman fires, a want I be
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1. What do you want to be?
2. I want to be a nurse because they help sick people.
3. I want to be a waiter because they serve food.
4. I want to be a dentist because they fix people’s teeth.
5. I want to be a pilot because they fly planes.
6. I want to be an astronaut because they go to space.
7. I want to be a policeman because they help people.
8. I want to be a fireman because they fight fires.