Ребят кто хорошо знает английский? Помогите мне) Задали сочинение 3-5 предложений как провел лето Что то банальное В бассейне купалась гуляла и тд. Срочно Заранее спасибо
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I had a great holidayt ! it was very fun! we played football and swan in the pool ! it was the best summer in my life)
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sorry for my English ) i wrote wrong something )))correctly "holiday" and "Swam"
My summer was very exciting and wonderful. I visited a lot of interesting places, for example, the river, which is located in a beautiful location. I swam and sunbathed a lot. Then I went to a camp where i found many friends and improved my discipline and manner of communication. Summer is wonderful season for fun and relaxation and it musn't be tense.
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