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August 2022
ребята, помогите пожалуйста, надо перевести эти предложения в Reported spech, спасибо!!!!
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Answers & Comments
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She said she was starting a new job the following week.
He told them he had got his exam results the week before.
Sally said she couldn't afford to buy that dress.
He said to her he would buy a car if he had enough money.
Frank said it was the house where he was born.
Jill said it was a wonderful party.
The teacher says oranges grow in hot countries.
He said a lot of people visited museums.
The tour guide told us it was a very famous statue.
Bob said he didn't like that jacket.
The boy said he was lost.
She said she might be a little late that evening.
Mum said to Claire she had better clean up the mess.
She said she had already done the shopping.
Sue said she had found the note under the sofa.
He told us he wouldn't be late.
She said if she finished work early she would call me.
He told the reporters he had been training hard recently.
Zoe offered to make some tea.
The man said to his children they had to go home then.
Sarah said those were the boys who had chased her.
Lynne told her friends she was going to the party that night.
Laura said she used to have long hair.
Grandad says there is too much violence on TV.
Andrew told her she ought to make a decision soon.
1 votes
Thanks 2
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Report "ребята, помогите пожалуйста, надо перевести эти предложения в Reported spech, сп..."
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Answers & Comments
Verified answer
She said she was starting a new job the following week.He told them he had got his exam results the week before.
Sally said she couldn't afford to buy that dress.
He said to her he would buy a car if he had enough money.
Frank said it was the house where he was born.
Jill said it was a wonderful party.
The teacher says oranges grow in hot countries.
He said a lot of people visited museums.
The tour guide told us it was a very famous statue.
Bob said he didn't like that jacket.
The boy said he was lost.
She said she might be a little late that evening.
Mum said to Claire she had better clean up the mess.
She said she had already done the shopping.
Sue said she had found the note under the sofa.
He told us he wouldn't be late.
She said if she finished work early she would call me.
He told the reporters he had been training hard recently.
Zoe offered to make some tea.
The man said to his children they had to go home then.
Sarah said those were the boys who had chased her.
Lynne told her friends she was going to the party that night.
Laura said she used to have long hair.
Grandad says there is too much violence on TV.
Andrew told her she ought to make a decision soon.