Strudel Ingridiients:(для начинки) -tablespoons raises(изюм) - apple juice -cinamon(корица) -supar -unsalted butter -nuts -apples для теста: -flour(мука) -salt -water -vegetable oil
Mothod: 1.Mix the juice and raising in a bowl.Mix the cinamon and sugar in another bowl. 2.Preheat the over to 200°.Sprinkle(посыпать) the buttered dought(тесто) . 3.Tablespoons of the butter and cook while stirring until golden. 4.Mix the apples with the raising,juice and the cinamon sand sugar 5.Fold the short(сложить мал.ломт.) and the dought auto the filling. 6.Take the studel for about 30min. or until it is deep(глубокий) golden brown
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Ingridiients:(для начинки)
-tablespoons raises(изюм)
- apple juice
-unsalted butter
для теста:
-vegetable oil
1.Mix the juice and raising in a bowl.Mix the cinamon and sugar in another bowl.
2.Preheat the over to 200°.Sprinkle(посыпать) the buttered dought(тесто) .
3.Tablespoons of the butter and cook while stirring until golden.
4.Mix the apples with the raising,juice and the cinamon sand sugar
5.Fold the short(сложить мал.ломт.) and the dought auto the filling.
6.Take the studel for about 30min. or until it is deep(глубокий) golden brown
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