Bangkok/ crowded of the three destinations Vienna / easy to get to / Bangkok Bangkok / exciting/ Dubai Dubai /hot /vienna Vienna /relaxing of three destinations
Предположу, что нужно дать описание к приведенной информации на фотографии, тогда:
Bangkok, the capital of Thailand, is a really crowded and exciting city, there are people all around! However, it´s quite hot and not that easy to get to. As a benefit, it's not expensive but can't be considerated as relaxing.
Dubai, the capital of Unated Arabian Emirates, compared to Bangkok is very expensive and hot. It's often considered the city of millionaires. Many people think it's relaxing, exciting and easy to get to. And at times, some streets might be crowded.
Vienna, the capital of Austria, in comparison to this two cities is extremely easy to get to and relaxing! But despite it's quite expensive, but also exciting. It's not crowded and hot at all.
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Предположу, что нужно дать описание к приведенной информации на фотографии, тогда:
Bangkok, the capital of Thailand, is a really crowded and exciting city, there are people all around! However, it´s quite hot and not that easy to get to. As a benefit, it's not expensive but can't be considerated as relaxing.
Dubai, the capital of Unated Arabian Emirates, compared to Bangkok is very expensive and hot. It's often considered the city of millionaires. Many people think it's relaxing, exciting and easy to get to. And at times, some streets might be crowded.
Vienna, the capital of Austria, in comparison to this two cities is extremely easy to get to and relaxing! But despite it's quite expensive, but also exciting. It's not crowded and hot at all.