Genetically, a person can live up to 130-150 years, but in our age, few live up to a hundred. The Japanese live the longest on the planet, an average of seventy-nine years, the Europeans hardly hold out to sixty...
Having asked questions about the extension of human life, experts have long studied in detail the experience of centenarians of the planet and managed to develop a kind of code of long years. I follow these rules, there is an opportunity not only to prolong my life, but also to feel younger than my years. It's very simple, and the main rules are as follows:
1. Never be discouraged, always believe in the good and hold your head high. Optimists usually live longer than pessimists. In any situation, try to find something positive. Remember more about the most pleasant moments in your life. Don't hold a grudge against anyone. Smile, finally, and life will become easier!
2. The maximum of positive emotions. Do not deny yourself the pleasures. As long as it brings you joy. Let it be a delicious pie or a night party with old friends - a little good, however unwise, will always do good.
3. Eat, but don't overeat. It is best to limit yourself to 1500-2000 calories per day. In this way, you will maintain the activity of your cells in the best way.
4. Choose the menu according to age. If you are only about thirty, do not forget about the liver and nuts - the first wrinkles will make themselves felt much later. If you are about forty, then carrots, oranges and red apples containing beta-carotene will be especially useful. Selenium contained in cheese is necessary for stress relief. After fifty, magnesium is needed to support the heart, and calcium is needed for bones.
5. Choose all natural. Try to minimize the consumption of preservatives and chemical additives. Drink juices-drink without dyes; use cosmetics-use natural. The body, being in a natural balance with wildlife, will always feel better.
6. Work in pleasure. Many Hobbies help to preserve youth. Sociologists have long noticed a pattern that among the centenarians often appear representatives of such professions as conductors, philosophers, artists and priests. But also any other work on which you leave exclusively in pleasure, will only benefit.
7. Movement is the source of life. After thirty years, the production of growth hormones is sharply reduced; for their release, exercise for at least a few minutes a day, and even better - combine training with fresh air. Such an organism will not just win.
8. Sleep in the cool. Metabolism in the body is directly related to the ambient temperature. And sleeping in a cool room stays young longer.
9. Laugh a lot. Rejoice more often. Rejoice in the success of loved ones, rejoice in good news. A smile is followed by a good mood. For a good mood - the good work of the body.
10. Stimulate the brain. Read, be interested, learn. Solve crosswords and puzzles. Forcing the brain to work, a person activates the heart, circulatory system and metabolism.
11. Love is the elixir of youth. After all, the body of lovers constantly produces hormones of happiness-endorphins, which strengthen the immune system. Love, be loved, rejoice, please loved ones and live long!
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Genetically, a person can live up to 130-150 years, but in our age, few live up to a hundred. The Japanese live the longest on the planet, an average of seventy-nine years, the Europeans hardly hold out to sixty...
Having asked questions about the extension of human life, experts have long studied in detail the experience of centenarians of the planet and managed to develop a kind of code of long years. I follow these rules, there is an opportunity not only to prolong my life, but also to feel younger than my years. It's very simple, and the main rules are as follows:
1. Never be discouraged, always believe in the good and hold your head high. Optimists usually live longer than pessimists. In any situation, try to find something positive. Remember more about the most pleasant moments in your life. Don't hold a grudge against anyone. Smile, finally, and life will become easier!
2. The maximum of positive emotions. Do not deny yourself the pleasures. As long as it brings you joy. Let it be a delicious pie or a night party with old friends - a little good, however unwise, will always do good.
3. Eat, but don't overeat. It is best to limit yourself to 1500-2000 calories per day. In this way, you will maintain the activity of your cells in the best way.
4. Choose the menu according to age. If you are only about thirty, do not forget about the liver and nuts - the first wrinkles will make themselves felt much later. If you are about forty, then carrots, oranges and red apples containing beta-carotene will be especially useful. Selenium contained in cheese is necessary for stress relief. After fifty, magnesium is needed to support the heart, and calcium is needed for bones.
5. Choose all natural. Try to minimize the consumption of preservatives and chemical additives. Drink juices-drink without dyes; use cosmetics-use natural. The body, being in a natural balance with wildlife, will always feel better.
6. Work in pleasure. Many Hobbies help to preserve youth. Sociologists have long noticed a pattern that among the centenarians often appear representatives of such professions as conductors, philosophers, artists and priests. But also any other work on which you leave exclusively in pleasure, will only benefit.
7. Movement is the source of life. After thirty years, the production of growth hormones is sharply reduced; for their release, exercise for at least a few minutes a day, and even better - combine training with fresh air. Such an organism will not just win.
8. Sleep in the cool. Metabolism in the body is directly related to the ambient temperature. And sleeping in a cool room stays young longer.
9. Laugh a lot. Rejoice more often. Rejoice in the success of loved ones, rejoice in good news. A smile is followed by a good mood. For a good mood - the good work of the body.
10. Stimulate the brain. Read, be interested, learn. Solve crosswords and puzzles. Forcing the brain to work, a person activates the heart, circulatory system and metabolism.
11. Love is the elixir of youth. After all, the body of lovers constantly produces hormones of happiness-endorphins, which strengthen the immune system. Love, be loved, rejoice, please loved ones and live long!