Напишите письмо-поздравление на Новый год/рождество По такой схемке: Dear ... О себе 3-4 предложения Поздравление 7-8 предложений Заключение 1-2 предложения
Answers & Comments
Dear (любое имя на английском), I adore the holiday of Christmas! On this holiday, I love to eat turkey with my family. Also on this day I give gifts to all members of my family! In this wonderful holiday, I wish you happiness, health and success in everything! This day will show themselves very well! Tell all your family Hello from me! Wish them from me, too happiness! I believe that this day should all be happy, including you! And are you glad?All the best! Merry Christmas! With best wishes (твое имя на английском)
My name is Alexandr. We went to school together last year. You may have forgotten me, but I remember you, so I decided to write a letter. I had a one more sister yesterday. Her name is Lena. God gave us such a gift for the New year. Actually, I just wanted to congratulate you on the coming New year and wish you happiness, health, love and everything you want! Have you written a letter to Santa? I hope he brings you the gift you want. I also want to wish you to study well. A year ago, when we were in school together, you were a straight-a student, and I hope you stayed that way. In General, I wished you all that I would wish for myself. I hope we meet someday.
Answers & Comments
I adore the holiday of Christmas! On this holiday, I love to eat turkey with my family. Also on this day I give gifts to all members of my family!
In this wonderful holiday, I wish you happiness, health and success in everything! This day will show themselves very well! Tell all your family Hello from me! Wish them from me, too happiness! I believe that this day should all be happy, including you! And are you glad?All the best!
Merry Christmas! With best wishes (твое имя на английском)
My name is Alexandr. We went to school together last year. You may have forgotten me, but I remember you, so I decided to write a letter. I had a one more sister yesterday. Her name is Lena. God gave us such a gift for the New year. Actually, I just wanted to congratulate you on the coming New year and wish you happiness, health, love and everything you want! Have you written a letter to Santa? I hope he brings you the gift you want. I also want to wish you to study well. A year ago, when we were in school together, you were a straight-a student, and I hope you stayed that way. In General, I wished you all that I would wish for myself. I hope we meet someday.
See you soon
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