August 2022 1 27 Report
Anita saved $975 for her studying in college and other expenses, but now she is confused. Her older sister is going to Hawaii next month, and she wants Anita to go with her. They can get a discount on a hotel room and share the costs of renting a car. Anita knows college is important, but she wants to visit Hawaii. The problem is she can’t afford both. If she goes Hawaii, she won’t have enough money for college. It will take her a year to save enough money for studying. Anita wants to be a nurse someday and work in a hospital. She doesn’t know what to do. She has to make a difficult decision.
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19. Anita saved money for college.
20. Her sister is going to Hawaii next year.
21. Anita works in a hospital.
22. Anita has to pay for her studies in college.
23. Anita and her sister can get a discount on a hotel room.
24. Anita can easily collect money for studies.
25. Anita’s sister will pay for them both.
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