Tabloid (Eng. Tabloid) - newspaper characterized by a certain type of layout that includes the following features
newspaper page is made not on the traditional size sheet A2, and on half a sheet of smaller format A3, which makes it a great convenience to read the newspaper in the transport, turn the pages, and so on. etc .; a significant number of illustrations, often the "wrong" (not quadrangular) shape, climb up to the text, and so on. etc .;
small volume of articles (often up to 1000 characters) that allows the reader to read the article in a short time; catchy headlines, made a very big point type; extensive use of color, including the selection of text. Often, in order to attract attention to the individual articles are published vyvorotki - white letters on a black or colored background;
Some researchers tend to think of one of the signs of the tabloid newspaper in the obligatory presence of erotic photos in this or that extent , but rather we can say that the presence of a newspaper mild erotica only shows her " yellow ", " boulevard " character .
Answers & Comments
newspaper page is made not on the traditional size sheet A2, and on half a sheet of smaller format A3, which makes it a great convenience to read the newspaper in the transport, turn the pages, and so on. etc .;
a significant number of illustrations, often the "wrong" (not quadrangular) shape, climb up to the text, and so on. etc .;
catchy headlines, made a very big point type;
extensive use of color, including the selection of text. Often, in order to attract attention to the individual articles are published vyvorotki - white letters on a black or colored background;