слова которые нужно вставить:
creative, friendly, honest ,patient polite ,sensible
1 waits and doesn't get angry__
2 always says what is true__
3 says 'please' and 'thank you__
4 is good at making things__
5 always does the right thing__
6 is kind and helpful__
пожалуйста помогите
Answers & Comments
1 waits and doesn't get angry — patient (терпеливый)
2 always says what is true — honest (честный)
3 says 'please' and 'thank you' — polite (вежливый)
4 is good at making things — creative (творческий, изобретательный)
5 always does the right thing — sensible (разумный)
6 is kind and helpful — friendly (дружелюбный)