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Сочинение на английском языке "The monster Nessie". Заранее спасибо
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Answers & Comments
The next morning, he saw large footprintsin the snow.
They were thirty-fivecentimeters long and eighteen centimetreswide.
There are many strange living things onland and in the sea that are still a mystery.
Some o them seem to come from anothertime.
Some aren't often seen orphotographed.
But enough people saythat they have seen them.
As a result, wewant to find out more.
The Loch Ness monster.
'Nessie', the Loch Ness monster, isprobably the most famous lake Monster inthe world.
There are well-known lakemonsters in Canada, the US, Sweden, Norway, Iceland and other countries.
ButNessie feels like part of the family to manyof us because we have known about herfor so long.
The first description of a monster in LochNess, Scotland, was more than 400 yearsago.
There have been many reports sincethen.
Some of these have been honestmistakes.
But sometimes people have liedto make money from the Nessie story.
Noone has proved that a monster really livesin Loch Ness.
But some people have taken goodphotographs.
Experts and ordinary peoplehave watched the lake for years.
They arestill trying to explain the mystery.
Manytourists come each year to try to see themonster.
'Nessie watchers' travel toScotland to look for her Since 1930, morethan 3000 people have reported seeingthe Loch Ness monster.
The first newspaper story about Nessiewas in 1933 Mrs Mackay was driving alongthe lake when she saw something movingin the water.
It was a very large, blackanimal and it was moving up and down.
Her report gave a lot of information.
Then, in 1934, Dr Kenneth Tilson took one of themost famous black and white photographsof Nessie.
There wasn't a betterphotograph until 1977.
In that year, DocShiels took some colour photographs ofthe monster while he was on holiday.
Some of these photos were lose ordestroyed.
This has often happened.
People have broken or lost their cameras -and sometimes important photographs, too!
It's part of the mystery.
Many scientists agree that there is 'somekind of living thing' in the lake.
This 'thing'is very large and has a long neck.
But noone has proved yet that a monster lives inLoch Ness.
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Answers & Comments
They were thirty-fivecentimeters long and eighteen centimetreswide.
There are many strange living things onland and in the sea that are still a mystery.
Some o them seem to come from anothertime.
Some aren't often seen orphotographed.
But enough people saythat they have seen them.
As a result, wewant to find out more.
The Loch Ness monster.
'Nessie', the Loch Ness monster, isprobably the most famous lake Monster inthe world.
There are well-known lakemonsters in Canada, the US, Sweden, Norway, Iceland and other countries.
ButNessie feels like part of the family to manyof us because we have known about herfor so long.
The first description of a monster in LochNess, Scotland, was more than 400 yearsago.
There have been many reports sincethen.
Some of these have been honestmistakes.
But sometimes people have liedto make money from the Nessie story.
Noone has proved that a monster really livesin Loch Ness.
But some people have taken goodphotographs.
Experts and ordinary peoplehave watched the lake for years.
They arestill trying to explain the mystery.
Manytourists come each year to try to see themonster.
'Nessie watchers' travel toScotland to look for her Since 1930, morethan 3000 people have reported seeingthe Loch Ness monster.
The first newspaper story about Nessiewas in 1933 Mrs Mackay was driving alongthe lake when she saw something movingin the water.
It was a very large, blackanimal and it was moving up and down.
Her report gave a lot of information.
Then, in 1934, Dr Kenneth Tilson took one of themost famous black and white photographsof Nessie.
There wasn't a betterphotograph until 1977.
In that year, DocShiels took some colour photographs ofthe monster while he was on holiday.
Some of these photos were lose ordestroyed.
This has often happened.
People have broken or lost their cameras -and sometimes important photographs, too!
It's part of the mystery.
Many scientists agree that there is 'somekind of living thing' in the lake.
This 'thing'is very large and has a long neck.
But noone has proved yet that a monster lives inLoch Ness.