Представьте что вы собираетесь посмотреть спектакль в театре в скором времени. Попросите вашего друга к вам присоединиться.
1 Дата и название театра
2 Почему вы хотите пойти в этот театр
3 Программа вашего визита
100-120 слов нужно
Answers & Comments
At the theatre, we will buy the ticket and will go to the performance hall to take our seats. I like the interior of the theatre. We will watch the opera from the balcony. There will be three acts and two intermissions, during which we will share our expressions and will drink coffee in the theatre’s bar.
In the beginning it will be difficult to understand the words, because the actors will singing. Their actions on the scene, though, will help to follow the plot. It will be a classical story about love and broken hearts.Anyway it will be a nice experience, which I would like to have one day with you.