Инструкция: «Вам предлагаются задания с одним правильным ответом из пяти предложенных. Выбранный ответ необходимо отметить на листе ответов путем полного закрашивания соответствующего кружка».

1. Выберите эквивалент для следующего предложения:

Many tourists travelling to that coast.

A) Hекоторые хотят переправиться на тот берег.

B) Тот берег недалеко.

C) Много туристов едет за море.

D) Туристов перевезут туда.

E) Много туристов путешествует на тот берег.

2. Окончание читается отлично от других в слове:

A) Joined

B) Cleaned

C) Helped

D) Played

E) Lived

3. Выберите правильную форму:

He ___ a student.

A) am

B) be

C) is

D) are

E) has

4. Выберите множественное число слова “An Umbrella”:

A) Umbrels

B) Umbrelles

C) Umbrellas

D) Umbrellaes

E) Umbrell

5. Выберите правильный вариант:

You can’t stop me from ____ what I want.

A) doing

B) be doing

C) that I do

D) do

E) to do

6. Правильный ответ:

Jane enjoys … to music .

A) listening

B) to listen

C) listened

D) to listening

E) listen

7. The correct word order in the affirmative sentence:

A) Two armchairs and a table there is in the room.

B) There is a table and two armchairs in the room.

C) In the room there is a table and two armchairs.

D) There is two armchairs and a table in the room.

E) A table and two armchairs there is in the room.

8. The correct word order in the interrogative sentence:

A) What kind of business is a travel agency?

B) Is agency a kind of business what travel?

C) Agency is kind of business what travel a?

D) Is a business what kind of travel agency?

E) Is a travel agency what kind of business?

9. The correct word order in the interrogative sentence:

A) You are which class in?

B) Are you in which class?

C) In which class you are?

D) Are you which in class?

E) Which class are you in?

10. The correct word order in the imperative sentence:

A) Do not close the windows!

B) Do not the windows close!

C) Do the windows not close!

D) Not do the windows close!

E) The windows do not close!

11. The correct word order in the interrogative sentence:

A) You are from where?

B) From where you are?

C) Where you are from?

D) Are you where from?

E) Where are you from?

12. Выразите одним словом

You wear it when it is cold:

A) Blouse

B) Shorts

C) Sandals

D) T-shirt

E) Coat

13. Выберите сложное слово:

A) Nationality

B) Championship

C) Tomorrow

D) Beautiful

E) Schoolbag

14. Правильный предлог.

Marat is fond … pop music.

A) with

B) after

C) of

D) in

E) for

15. Дополните предложение:

... is your father’s profession?

A) When

B) Where

C) Who

D) How

E) What

16. Выберите прилагательное:

A) Shake

B) Reduce

C) Skip

D) Lousy

E) Bend

17. Выберите вопросительное местоимение для выделенного слова:

Sue always arrives at work early.

A) When

B) Where

C) Why

D) How

E) Who

18. Выберите правильный вариант местоимения.

- How is … son?

- Feeling well. Thank you.

A) theirs

B) yours

C) mine

D) this

E) your

19. Синоним слова «clever»:

A) Lively

B) Lazy

C) Silent

D) Smart

E) Shy

20. Выберите вторую форму глагола "to lose":

A) Losing

B) Lost

C) To losed

D) To lost

E) Losed

21. Выберите верное местоимение.

A: Are there… apples in your fridge?

B: Yes, there are …

A) little/ some

B) some /any

C) any / some

D) some /some

E) no /some

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