1. Lawyers usually earn from $500 per hour. 2. The offer doesn’t apply to unionized workers. 3. The railway was built for trains. 4. Many celebrities are promoting a healthy lifestyle. 5. A transfer of wealth to the poorer nations. 6. He was fired from an international company. 7. That redundant brewery has been converted into a library. 8. He was offered several options to choose from.
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Не короткие, и без переводов, но спасибо.
Answers & Comments
Мои родители зарабатывают деньги на работе.
My parents earn money at work.
Я применяю нож что-бы разрезать хлеб.
I apply a knife to cut bread.
Поезда проезжают через станцию.
Trains pass through the station
По телевидению рекламируют косметику.
On television promoting cosmetics.
Я передал ему пакет.
I transfer him the package.
Я уволился с работы.
I fired from my job.
У меня есть лишняя/дополнительная ручка.
I have an redundant pen.
Я предложил пойти в гости.
I offered to go to visit.
2. The offer doesn’t apply to unionized workers.
3. The railway was built for trains.
4. Many celebrities are promoting a healthy lifestyle.
5. A transfer of wealth to the poorer nations.
6. He was fired from an international company.
7. That redundant brewery has been converted into a library.
8. He was offered several options to choose from.