Составить утв.,отр. и вопр. предложения с глаголами в настоящем простом времени. 5 предложений(к каждому) !Прошу я вас умаляю завтра вставать рано ещё 2 не хватало!!
Answers & Comments
I like sweets. Harry works at the bakery. Jim makes short films. Mary sings very well. My mother cleans our house every Sunday. I don't do sports. John doesn't go to school this way. Tom's wife doesn't have a job. Billy doesn't sleep after lunch. My brother doesn't have a car. Do you prefer coffee to tea? How often does he act like a fool? Do you sing? Why doesn't he communicate with us? Does your father own a car?
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Спасибо вам огромное спасли !! ! Спасибо !!!!!!!!!
Answers & Comments
I don't do sports. John doesn't go to school this way. Tom's wife doesn't have a job. Billy doesn't sleep after lunch. My brother doesn't have a car.
Do you prefer coffee to tea? How often does he act like a fool? Do you sing? Why doesn't he communicate with us? Does your father own a car?