ИЛЬЯ0КОТ1)-I have never been to London 2)-He has just gone out 3)-I have seen it 4)-I have told him 5)-We have already done it 6)-I have not bought it yet 7)-Mary has been to Liverpool 8)-Ann has gone to Spain 9)-She has not come yet 10)-I have already read that book
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1) Have you ever been abroad? 2) He hasn't done his homework yet. 3) I have known her for seven years. 4) We have come home. 5) Have you ever seen a ghost? 6) She has bought a car. 7) They haven't been on any rollercoaster rides. 8) I have never been to London. 9) She has seen this film twice. 10) Have they ever explored the haunted mansion?
Answers & Comments
2)-He has just gone out
3)-I have seen it
4)-I have told him
5)-We have already done it
6)-I have not bought it yet
7)-Mary has been to Liverpool
8)-Ann has gone to Spain
9)-She has not come yet
10)-I have already read that book
2) He hasn't done his homework yet.
3) I have known her for seven years.
4) We have come home.
5) Have you ever seen a ghost?
6) She has bought a car.
7) They haven't been on any rollercoaster rides.
8) I have never been to London.
9) She has seen this film twice.
10) Have they ever explored the haunted mansion?