СРОЧНО!!! Напишите рассказ про историю Шахмат , как они появились , когда , где , НА АНГЛИЙСКОМ ЯЗЫКЕ
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Hess is an indoorcompetitive game played between two players. It is being played intournaments, online or at home. The origin of chess is traced to India,approximately to the 6th century.
Themilitary had four divisions known as "infantry", "cavalry", "elephant"and "chariot". These names are represented in the chess game as: pawn,knight, bishop and the rook respectively. In the 9th century, the gamewas introduced to Western Europe and Russia.
Thechess board is made up of 64 squares (eight rows and eight columns) andthe colors of the squares alternate (dark and light squares). Thepieces which are comprised of a king, a queen, two rooks, two bishops,two knights, and eight pawns are in sets black and white. To start thegame, white moves first. The pieces are moved one at a time to anoccupied square by an opponent"s piece, thereby removing it from play orto a square that is not occupied. However, two pieces are movedsimultaneously when castling.
Eachchess piece has its own style of moving. The pawn moves one or twosteps forward to an unoccupied square but one forward diagonal step toan occupied square. The knight moves in "L" pattern. The bishop movesdiagonally. The rook moves horizontally or vertically with as many stepsas possible. The queen moves in all directions covering as many squaresas possible. And the king moves one step at a time in all directions.
Towin the game, the opponent must be checkmated. Checkmate is when kingis in check has there is no way to escape. There are occasions that thechess games do not end with a checkmate. Other way the game ends are:draw by agreement, stalemate, threefold repetition of a position, andthe fifty-move rule.
The history of chess has at least one and a half thousand years and possibly more. Invented in India in the V-VI century, chess spread almost all over the world, becoming an integral part of human culture.
Answers & Comments
Themilitary had four divisions known as "infantry", "cavalry", "elephant"and "chariot". These names are represented in the chess game as: pawn,knight, bishop and the rook respectively. In the 9th century, the gamewas introduced to Western Europe and Russia.
Thechess board is made up of 64 squares (eight rows and eight columns) andthe colors of the squares alternate (dark and light squares). Thepieces which are comprised of a king, a queen, two rooks, two bishops,two knights, and eight pawns are in sets black and white. To start thegame, white moves first. The pieces are moved one at a time to anoccupied square by an opponent"s piece, thereby removing it from play orto a square that is not occupied. However, two pieces are movedsimultaneously when castling.
Eachchess piece has its own style of moving. The pawn moves one or twosteps forward to an unoccupied square but one forward diagonal step toan occupied square. The knight moves in "L" pattern. The bishop movesdiagonally. The rook moves horizontally or vertically with as many stepsas possible. The queen moves in all directions covering as many squaresas possible. And the king moves one step at a time in all directions.
Towin the game, the opponent must be checkmated. Checkmate is when kingis in check has there is no way to escape. There are occasions that thechess games do not end with a checkmate. Other way the game ends are:draw by agreement, stalemate, threefold repetition of a position, andthe fifty-move rule.