This collection of tasks is designed for secondary school teachers, school administrations,
educational departments’ seniors, regional and school coordinators in criteria-based assessment and
Freely available Internet resources such as pictures, cartoons, photos, texts, video and audio
materials, etc. have been used in designing this tasks collection. The collection of tasks was
designed for the noncommercial purposes.
TERM 1................................................................................................................................................ 4
Unit 1: Legend or Truth? .................................................................................................................. 4
Unit 2: Controversial Issues ........................................................................................................... 13
TERM 2.............................................................................................................................................. 19
Unit 3: Virtual Reality .................................................................................................................... 19
Unit 4: Out of this world. ............................................................................................................... 27
TERM 3.............................................................................................................................................. 36
Unit 5: Stress and Fear ................................................................................................................... 36
Unit 6: Imagination and Creativity ................................................................................................ 49
Unit 7. Reading for pleasure ......................................................................................................... 64
TERM 4.............................................................................................................................................. 68
Unit 8. Different ways of living ..................................................................................................... 68
Unit 9. Independent Project ............................................................................................................ 87
Unit 1: Legend or Truth?
Subunit Analyzing and telling urban legends
Learning objectives 10.3.4 Evaluate and comment on the views of others in a
growing variety of talk contexts on a growing range of
general and curricular topics
10.3.1 Use formal and informal language registers in talk on a
wide range of general and curricular topics
10.3.7 Use appropriate subject-specific vocabulary and syntax
to talk about a range of general and curricular topics
10.4.1 Understand main points in extended texts on a wide
range of unfamiliar general and curricular topics
10.4.3 Skim a range of lengthy texts with speed to identify
content meriting closer reading on a wide range of
unfamiliar general and curricular topics
10.4.8 Use a wide range of familiar and unfamiliar paper and
digital reference resources to check meaning and extend
Assessment criteria Evaluate and comments on other’s speech
Separate formal and informal speech and apply the
differences in a talk
Talk about given topics using appropriate syntax and
topic related vocabulary
Analyse and find the main idea of a text
Skim a text to identify content meriting closer reading
Use a dictionary or other digital resources to understand
the meaning of a word and expand vocabulary
Level of thinking skills Knowledge and comprehension
Higher order thinking skills
Task 1:
Learners first scan and skim the text quickly and say what the text is about, who the main
characters are and what the main conflict of the story is about.
Work in pairs. Read the text quickly and identify the following:
- main idea of the text
- main characters
- main conflict
The Legend of Medusa (Greek mythology)
1. Polydectes, an evil king of the island of Seriphos, fell madly in love with a beautiful
woman named Danae. He wanted to marry her, but wanted nothing to do with her adult son,
Perseus. Hoping to get rid of Perseus, Polydectes ruthlessly tricked the young man into brashly
undertaking a deadly mission - to bring him the head of a dreaded monster called Medusa.
2. Medusa was one of three fearsome Gorgon sisters who lived far away in a secret hiding
place. The sisters had brass claws, golden wings, boars' tusks, and masses of hissing snakes for
hair. Anyone who looked into their frightful faces instantly turned into stone.
Answers & Comments
Schools» Autonomous Educational Organisation
We wish you creative work and success!
This collection of tasks is designed for secondary school teachers, school administrations,
educational departments’ seniors, regional and school coordinators in criteria-based assessment and
Freely available Internet resources such as pictures, cartoons, photos, texts, video and audio
materials, etc. have been used in designing this tasks collection. The collection of tasks was
designed for the noncommercial purposes.
TERM 1................................................................................................................................................ 4
Unit 1: Legend or Truth? .................................................................................................................. 4
Unit 2: Controversial Issues ........................................................................................................... 13
TERM 2.............................................................................................................................................. 19
Unit 3: Virtual Reality .................................................................................................................... 19
Unit 4: Out of this world. ............................................................................................................... 27
TERM 3.............................................................................................................................................. 36
Unit 5: Stress and Fear ................................................................................................................... 36
Unit 6: Imagination and Creativity ................................................................................................ 49
Unit 7. Reading for pleasure ......................................................................................................... 64
TERM 4.............................................................................................................................................. 68
Unit 8. Different ways of living ..................................................................................................... 68
Unit 9. Independent Project ............................................................................................................ 87
Unit 1: Legend or Truth?
Subunit Analyzing and telling urban legends
Learning objectives 10.3.4 Evaluate and comment on the views of others in a
growing variety of talk contexts on a growing range of
general and curricular topics
10.3.1 Use formal and informal language registers in talk on a
wide range of general and curricular topics
10.3.7 Use appropriate subject-specific vocabulary and syntax
to talk about a range of general and curricular topics
10.4.1 Understand main points in extended texts on a wide
range of unfamiliar general and curricular topics
10.4.3 Skim a range of lengthy texts with speed to identify
content meriting closer reading on a wide range of
unfamiliar general and curricular topics
10.4.8 Use a wide range of familiar and unfamiliar paper and
digital reference resources to check meaning and extend
Assessment criteria Evaluate and comments on other’s speech
Separate formal and informal speech and apply the
differences in a talk
Talk about given topics using appropriate syntax and
topic related vocabulary
Analyse and find the main idea of a text
Skim a text to identify content meriting closer reading
Use a dictionary or other digital resources to understand
the meaning of a word and expand vocabulary
Level of thinking skills Knowledge and comprehension
Higher order thinking skills
Task 1:
Learners first scan and skim the text quickly and say what the text is about, who the main
characters are and what the main conflict of the story is about.
Work in pairs. Read the text quickly and identify the following:
- main idea of the text
- main characters
- main conflict
The Legend of Medusa (Greek mythology)
1. Polydectes, an evil king of the island of Seriphos, fell madly in love with a beautiful
woman named Danae. He wanted to marry her, but wanted nothing to do with her adult son,
Perseus. Hoping to get rid of Perseus, Polydectes ruthlessly tricked the young man into brashly
undertaking a deadly mission - to bring him the head of a dreaded monster called Medusa.
2. Medusa was one of three fearsome Gorgon sisters who lived far away in a secret hiding
place. The sisters had brass claws, golden wings, boars' tusks, and masses of hissing snakes for
hair. Anyone who looked into their frightful faces instantly turned into stone.