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August 2022
Срочно! сделайте упражнение 1 по английскому языку
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Answers & Comments
1. It is a very easy problem. Give me a more difficult problem.
2. In summer the days are long and the nights are short.
3. The 22nd of June is the longest day.
4. In July the days are shorter.
5. In December the days are the shortest.
6. A “ four” is a good mark, but a “five” is better.
7. A “five” is the best mark.
8. The worst mark is a “two” .
9. Your dress is very beautiful, of course, but my dress is more beautiful.
10. My father is a tall man.
11. It is a warmer coat.
12. I think our English teacher was very patient.
13. Our old doctor was very busy. Our new doctor is even busier.
14. My German teacher is the most ehergetic person.
15. We know your neighbour is a very boring man.
16. I think your grandfather is the most generous person I’ve ever met.
17. Ronald’ s watch is accurate, but his aunt’s watch is more accurate.
18. She bought her watch in Switzerland because she thinks Swiss watches are the most accurate in the world.
19. That film on TV is much worse than today’ s.
20. What’s the funniest TV programme?
21. Those were the happiest days in her life.
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Answers & Comments
2. In summer the days are long and the nights are short.
3. The 22nd of June is the longest day.
4. In July the days are shorter.
5. In December the days are the shortest.
6. A “ four” is a good mark, but a “five” is better.
7. A “five” is the best mark.
8. The worst mark is a “two” .
9. Your dress is very beautiful, of course, but my dress is more beautiful.
10. My father is a tall man.
11. It is a warmer coat.
12. I think our English teacher was very patient.
13. Our old doctor was very busy. Our new doctor is even busier.
14. My German teacher is the most ehergetic person.
15. We know your neighbour is a very boring man.
16. I think your grandfather is the most generous person I’ve ever met.
17. Ronald’ s watch is accurate, but his aunt’s watch is more accurate.
18. She bought her watch in Switzerland because she thinks Swiss watches are the most accurate in the world.
19. That film on TV is much worse than today’ s.
20. What’s the funniest TV programme?
21. Those were the happiest days in her life.
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