June 2023 1 11 Report
ІІІ. Читання тексту
T: One of the environmental problems nowadays
is household wastes and litter.
 Pre-reading
Where do we see litter? What words describe litter?
Why is litter dangerous?
 While reading
Read the text and fill in the gaps using the following words:
Today the greatest problem for humanity is ________.This problem is extremely typical
for________ industrialized cities and towns.
Pollution is contamination of the_______ including air, water and land. Uncontrolled
emissions of ________substances and dust pollute everything around us.
It is worth mentioning that one third of all emissions into the atmosphere __________ from
automobile transport. That means that air pollution is not only the problem of big cities.
Another problem of big cities is wastes. The wastes from plants and factories __________
water and soil. Household wastes such as all kinds of plastics, dead batteries and so on
remain unruined for decades and it is very important to find the way of their _______.
Batteries can explode if burnt. And they release toxic_______ into the air.
Litter doesn’t directly dirty drinking water but increases the cost of and the energy needed
_______water for drinking. Litter causes floods, by blocking rivers and streams. People try
to burn the litter. Do you know that acid rains can be caused by burning litter? Plastic bottles
last more than 20 times longer than a pair of leather shoes. Leather shoes last approximately
45 years and a plastic bottle lasts 900 to 1,000 years. These are only some of the problems of
A lot of birds and animals die every year from eating plastic bags.
The list may be endless: greenhouse effect, ozone holes, etc. All of these _______ threaten
mankind and nature, reduce their life, and even kill them. What can be done to protect them?
It is clear that it is necessary to use purification _______ at the plants and factories, look for
waste less technologies, learn to use _____ sources of energy, such as wind, sun, etc., use
new recycling technologies. It is very important that every person should be responsible for
ecologically clean world and act correspondingly.
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