Talking about countries мини рассказ Примерно 7-10 предложений
Answers & Comments
0Replace0 I consider Russia one of the best countries in the world. She has good relations with other countries that support her. I was told by parents that China is supplying us with toys and products. Mongolia sells a lot of high-quality milk and cheese to Russia. Unfortunately, Western countries are not so open to Russia, but I think that we will definitely become friends. With America, we are trying to build relationships. I will be happy if the whole country unite and will help each other in a difficult moment. Especially if we together cleanse the Arctic and Antarctica. I hope the presidents of the countries will not be indifferent and will unite our chums together.
Answers & Comments
I consider Russia one of the best countries in the world. She has good relations with other countries that support her. I was told by parents that China is supplying us with toys and products. Mongolia sells a lot of high-quality milk and cheese to Russia. Unfortunately, Western countries are not so open to Russia, but I think that we will definitely become friends. With America, we are trying to build relationships. I will be happy if the whole country unite and will help each other in a difficult moment. Especially if we together cleanse the Arctic and Antarctica. I hope the presidents of the countries will not be indifferent and will unite our chums together.