Task 1 (10 points).
Fill in the gaps with the correct words.
1. An elephant has two big ___________ and one long ___________.
2. A giraffe has a long ___________ and four legs.
3. Pandas are __________ and __________ in colour.
4. A monkey has a long ___________. It helps them climb trees.
5. A tiger has black _____________ on its body.
Answers & Comments
1. An elephant has two big ears and one long trunk.(У слона два больших уха и один длинный хобот.)
2.A giraffe has a long neck and four legs.( У жирафа длинная шея и четыре ноги.)
3. Pandas are white and black in colour.(Панды бывают белого и черного цвета).
4. A monkey has a long tail. It helps them climb trees.(У обезьяны длинный хвост. Это помогает им лазать по деревьям).
5. A tiger has black spots on its body.(У тигра на теле черные пятна)