The European Diet
It’s hard for us to imagine what ___included in the European diet before America ___discovered ___Columbus in 1492. So many ingredients which today ___grown all over the world ___unknown to medieval Europeans. Potatoes, tomatoes, maize and chocolate ___all originally imported from the New World. Until then, meals had___prepared with ingredients native to Europe, such as root vegetables. Of course, spices such as pepper ___been traded and added to food for centuries. When the potato ___first introduced, it was surprisingly unpopular. It ___considered to be poisonous and it took a long time for it to become common. There is a story of Parmentier, a French army officer, who ___potatoes planted in the royal garden and ___Marie Antoinette to wear a potato flower. The poor peasants were curious about the new plants and many of them ___ stolen to be planted in their own gardens. It was the start of French fries!
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The European Diet
It’s hard for us to imagine what had been included in the European diet before America was discovered by Columbus in 1492. So many ingredients which today are grown all over the world were unknown to medieval Europeans. Potatoes, tomatoes, maize and chocolate were all originally imported from the New World. Until then, meals had been prepared with ingredients native to Europe, such as root vegetables. Of course, spices such as pepper had been traded and added to food for centuries. When the potato was first introduced, it was surprisingly unpopular. It was considered to be poisonous and it took a long time for it to become common. There is a story of Parmentier, a French army officer, who had potatoes planted in the royal garden and got Marie Antoinette to wear a potato flower. The poor peasants were curious about the new plants and many of them were stolen to be planted in their own gardens. It was the start of French fries!
Европейская диета
Сложно представить, что включал в себя в рацион европейцев до открытия Америки Колумбом в 1492 году. Так как многие ингредиенты, которые сегодня выращиваются по всему миру, средневековым европейцам были неизвестны. Картофель, помидоры, кукуруза и шоколад были первоначально импортированы из Нового Света. До тех же пор блюда готовились из продуктов, выращиваемых в Европе, таких как корнеплоды. Конечно, такими специями, как перец, торговали и добавляли в пищу на протяжении веков. Когда картофель впервые появился, он был, на удивление, непопулярен. Он считался ядовитым, и потребовалось много времени, чтобы он стал обычным явлением. Существует история о Пармантье, офицере французской армии, который посадил картофель в королевском саду и заставил Марию-Антуанетту носить картофельный цветок. Бедные крестьяне заинтересовались новыми растениями, и многие из них были украдены, с целью выращивания в своих собственных садах. Это стало началом появления картофеля фри!