TranslateintoRussian (страдательный залог)
1. Ann was bitten by a homeless dog.
2. The zoo is constructed.
3. The luggage must be checked at the customs.
4. Souvenirsaresoldeverywhere.
5. The job will be finished at 3 o’clock.
6. The roads are covered with the snow.
7. The house can be seen from a long distance.
8. The dog must be fed.
9. The book shouldbe readin three days.
Answers & Comments
1. Ann was bitten by a homeless dog.
2. The zoo is constructed.
3. The luggage must be checked at the customs.
4. Souvenirs are sold everywhere.
5. The job will be finished at 3 o’clock.
6. The roads are covered with the snow.
7. The house can be seen from a long distance.
8. The dog must be fed.
9. The book should be reading three days.
1. Энн была укушена бездомнаой собакой.
2. Зоопарк остроен .
3. Багаж необходимо сдать на таможню.
4. Сувениры продаются везде.
5. Работа будет завершена в 3 часа.
6. Дороги засыпаны снегом.
7. Дом можно видеть издалека.
8. Собаку нужно покормить.
9. Книгу следует читать три дня.