Trauma has been with us since antiquity and will be here at the millennium. Since the first injury was sustained by man, it has been necessary to transport him to a place where he could be fed and sheltered, and his wounds treated.
For many years transportation of the injured has consisted essentially of putting the victim on a cart and transporting him to the hospital as quickly as possible. No effort was made to evaluate the injuries. This situation, however, has gradually changed in many areas because of the efforts of the medical profession.
In many cases, poor transportation of the injured can do more harm than the original accident.
Examination. Look for and treat serious bleeding and respiratory arrest. Find and splint all fractures and dislocations. Cover wounds and burns with sterile dressings.
Shock. Maintain body heat. Transport comatose patient in supine position. Handle gently.
Control of Bleeding. Direct pressure over wound. Know pressure points. Use tourniquet as last resort. A poorly applied tourniquet may cause great damage. Place sterile dressing over all open wounds and bandage in place.
Internal Injuries. Maintain body heat. Keep victim perfectly quiet. Move only when absolutely necessary. Turn head to one side if victim is vomiting. Handle gently.
Failure of Respiration. If victim is not breathing, start artificial respiration immediately. Use oxygen when victim starts to breathe. Severe injuries of the chest require specialized attention.
Fractures. Splints should be used in all suspected fractures during transportation of victim. Fractures may be either open or closed.
In an open fracture the broken bone sometimes presents through the wound to the surface of the skin. These fractures are often more serious than the closed type. Check for serious bleeding or shock, and treat. Wounds should be covered with sterile dressings and splinted as in closed fractures. Pillow splints are used if the wound contains foreign material. Do not push protruding bones inside.
Burns. Cover burned areas with sterile dressing and bandage in place. If large area of body is burned, wrap in clean sheet.
Injuries to the Head. Cover all open wounds with sterile dressings. Avoid pressure at site of injury.
Ex.4 Find in the text English equivalents for these word combinations:
1) на місці травми, 2) більш серйозні,3) штовхати кістки, які стирчать; 4) поверхня шкіри, 5) необхідно транспортувати;6) як найшвидше,7) спричиняти найбільше шкоди; 8) важке кровотеча;9) підтримувати тепло тіла жертви; 10) над відкритою раною;11) використовувати кисень;12) сильні ушкодження грудної клітини;13) стерильна пов’язка;14) вимагати спеціальної уваги; 15) під час транспортування жертви;16) відкриті та закриті переломи.
Answers & Comments
1) at the site of injury; 2) more serious; 3) push protruding bones; 4) surface of the skin; 5) need to transport; 6) as quickly as possible; 7) cause more harm; 8) severe bleeding; 9) maintain body heat of the victim; 10) over an open wound; 11) use oxygen; 12) severe chest injuries; 13) sterile dressing; 14) require specialized attention; 15) during transportation of the victim; 16) open and closed fractures.
1)at the site of injury
2)more serious
3)push protruding bones
4)surface of the skin
5)need to transport
6)as quickly as possible
7)cause more harm
8)severe bleeding
9)maintain body heat of the victim
10)over an open wound
11)use oxygen
12)severe chest injuries
13)sterile dressing
14)require specialized attention
15)during transportation of the victim
16)open and closed fractures