Упр. 7. Образуйте множественное число.
Образец: 1. this flat - these flats
2. that chair - those chairs
1. this lamp
2. this table
3. this house
4. that building
5. this dress
6. that bag
7. that boy
8. this girl
9. this lesson
10. that question
Английский язык 5 кл.
Answers & Comments
1.these lamps
2. these tables
3. these houses
4. thosebuildings
5. thesedresses
6. thosebags
7. those boys
8. these girls
9. these lessons
10. those questions
1. These flats
2. These lamps
3. These houses
4. Those buildings
5. These dreses
6. Those bags
7. Those boys
8. These girls
9. These lessons
10. Those questions