Вчера вы с классом ходили в зоопарк. На «детской площадке» вы видели смешных маленьких медвежат и тигрят, которые играли вместе. Вы видели
,как кормили слона. У выхода вам подарили цветные шарики разных цветов. Напиши электронное письмо другу (40-50 слов) и расскажи о том, как ты провел вчера день.
На Английском
Заранее спасибо
Answers & Comments
How are you? How is your life?
As for me I am good. I'm writing to you to tell you great news. Yesterday my class and I went to the zoo. That was fantastic! We saw a lot of animals. We saw little tigers. They were so funny! They were playing together on the sun. Also we saw a large elephant. The worker of the zoo gave him bananas and apples and the elephant was eating them. After the excursion all my friends were given a lot of balloons of different colors. I like this trip very much. I want to go there again with you.
With love,
Your friend Mary