Вопросы персонажам книги "Алиса в стране чудес" английская версия. От 3 до 5 вопросов: Белому зайцу, герцогине, мартовскому зайцу, шляпнику, королеве червей, королю червей, чеширскому коту и черепахе. Пример:Ты назвала свою кошку? (Алисе)
Answers & Comments
1. Why do you like the color red so much? (Queen of hearts ) 2. What made you interested in Alice as she was walking by? (Cat) 3. Did something happen in your life that made you mentally unstable ? (Мартовский заяц) 4. What made you so blood thirsty (queen of Hart’s)
Answers & Comments
2. What made you interested in Alice as she was walking by? (Cat)
3. Did something happen in your life that made you mentally unstable ? (Мартовский заяц)
4. What made you so blood thirsty (queen of Hart’s)