We went to the little river. Then my friends and I took off
our shoes and socks and went into the water to fish with our fishing
nets. It was summer, and the water was warm.
"You must not go into the water," I said to my sister. “Don't take off
your shoes and socks. You can't fish. Pick stones and put them into
your bag.”
We fished and fished, but we did not catlhany fish. Then one boy said:
"Look, your sister is in the water.”
We saw my naughty little sister in the water with her shoes and
socks on.
“Get out of the water!” I said.
“No,” said my naughty little sister.
I wanted to catch her, but she ran away and fell down in
the water. Her dress was wet, her hair was wet, and her shoes and
socks were wet, too.
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