форми минулого часу для дієслова tо bе l/he/she/it was, you/we/they elled. was/were: were. To listen, to permit, to stay, to hate, to fry, to travel, to walk, Add -ed to the verbs and write them into the correct column. to live, to rob, to carry, to save, to clean, to hurry, to slip, to answer, to bake, to empty, to prefer, to play, to like, to regret, to talk, to reply, to plan, to wait, to close, to tidy. -ed -d -ied Double Consonant + -ed
Answers & Comments
Verified answer
Past Simple:
to be: I/he/she/it was, you/we/they were
to listen: listened
to permit: permitted
to stay: stayed
to hate: hated
to fry: fried
to travel: traveled
to walk: walked
to live: lived
to rob: robbed
to carry: carried
to save: saved
to clean: cleaned
to hurry: hurried
to slip: slipped
to answer: answered
to bake: baked
to empty: emptied
to prefer: preferred
to play: played
to like: liked
to regret: regretted
to talk: talked
to reply: replied
to plan: planned
to wait: waited
to close: closed
to tidy: tidied