Which animal? What do you know about the animals in the pictures? 1 This animal has got a long face and big, flat feet. It can run very fast. It can carry people and heavy things on its back. It can drink 135 litres of water in 13 minutes! 3 There aren't many of these animals in the world. They live in dry flat areas in Kazakhstan. They have got very big, long noses. The males have got horns on their heads. 2 You can see these animals in the mountains. The males have got big, curly horns on their heads. In the winter, the hair round their necks is white. The females have got smaller horns. 4 These animals live in hot deserts. They usually sleep in the day and come out at night. They have got very big ears and big, black eyes. Their back legs are long but their front legs are short. Their tails are longer than their bodies.
Answers & Comments
1)Bactrian camel
3)Saiga antelope