Along ago, when everyone lived in peace, a daisy and a net
tle grew together. Every morning they washed in dew, and in
the evening in rain. They grew as brother and sister, and
shared everything. Only the daisy was kinder, and did every
thing with joy, and the nettle liked more to sleep and to play
It was a rainy day. It was wet and dark outside, nothing
could be seen. Suddenly the nettle and the daisy noticed a small
moth, which couldn't fly because its wings were damp with
rain. It crawled up to them and asked to let get warmer under
their leaves. Brother and sister first didn't want to let it join
them for they were cold themselves. The moth began to ask
them for help again, for the rain became even more heavier.

Then the daisy couldn't bear: "Well, moth, crawl here and find
some drier place. The moth pulled together all its strength and
jumped over under the white petals.
Soon the sun showed up on the sky, and all creatures left
their houses and began to rejoice. The moth thanked the daisy
for help and presented it with rich treasures, for it was the
prince of all moths in the world. As for the nettle which was
sitting in the comer and looking at others with envy, the moth
turned it ugly for its heartlessness. Its leaves became very sting
ing. Since then the nettle is so wicked that no one makes
friends with it, and notices it only when it stings.

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