Write the countries and the nationalities (Визначте країни і національності. Речення переписати в зошит і прикріпити тут). Слова по темі вчити. Roberto lives in Buenos Aires. He is from... . He is... . Sally lives in Rome. She is from... . She is... . Omar lives in Brasília. He is from... . He is... . Sophia lives in Kyiv. She is from..... She is... . Agim lives in Istanbul. He is from..... He is...... Lee lives in Beijing. She is from... . She is.... .
Answers & Comments
1. He is Argentinian.
2. She is from Italy.
3. He's from Brazil.
4. She is from Ukraine. She is Ukrainian.
5. He is from Turkey. He is Turkish.
6. She is from China. She is Chinese.