3.The frozen bodies are kept in an enormous underground laboratory called the Convergence,on the steppe of Kazakhstan.
4.No,they can't.
5.The name of Bram Stoker's work is Draculla.
6.Bram Stoker was inspired to write the book after a visit to the town of Whitby,North Yorkshire in the UK.The stormy weather and the eerie ruins Whitby Abbey gave him so many ideas that he set part of his novel in the town.
7.Group set off to destroy the forces of evil and save their world.
8.Ural Mountains are the border between Europe and Asia,and the desolate land of Mordor is somewhere in the Balkans.
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Answers & Comments
1.Don DeLillo
2."Zero K" about the quest for eternal life.
3.The frozen bodies are kept in an enormous underground laboratory called the Convergence,on the steppe of Kazakhstan.
4.No,they can't.
5.The name of Bram Stoker's work is Draculla.
6.Bram Stoker was inspired to write the book after a visit to the town of Whitby,North Yorkshire in the UK.The stormy weather and the eerie ruins Whitby Abbey gave him so many ideas that he set part of his novel in the town.
7.Group set off to destroy the forces of evil and save their world.
8.Ural Mountains are the border between Europe and Asia,and the desolate land of Mordor is somewhere in the Balkans.