Замените русские слова в скобках их английскими эквивалентами. 1. Large quantities of one good may be needed for compensating small reduction in the other good if а (постоянный) level of (полезности) is (должен поддерживаться).
2. In a free market it (предполагается) that every producer seeks to (максимизировать) profits by selling the product at as high a price as possible, and every buyer seeks to (максимизировать полезность) by obtaining the product at as low a price as possible.
3. Consumer demand is not the quantity that the consumers would like to have but the quantity that they want to pay for, (то есть), demand in the economic sense (смысл).
4. Economic system is the (особый) way in which the economic activity in a country is organized, such as capitalism or socialism.
5. The model of consumer (расходы) on different goods (зависит от) the level of consumer income.
6. Increases in the quantities demanded typically (изменяются) with different goods as incomes rise.
7. Energy demand will increase at about 3.6 percent (в год) (в) the coming ten years in the USA.
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