заполните пропуски местоимениями him, her, it, them, us
1.I don't eat dinner at seven o'clock. I eat _____ at 6:30 2.My brother.,Barry, is a doctor. This is a photo of____ 3.Our son Paul lives in London. He visits _____ at the weekend 4"Do you like apples? "."No, I hate ____"5.Maria likes Italian food. She cooks ____at home 6.my sister goes to work early. I never see____ in the morning
Answers & Comments
1. it
2. him
3. us
4. them
5. it
6. her
Думаю так
1. it
2. him
3. us
4. them
5. it
6. her
Я живу в США уже как 2 года