знать вторую форму see,win,do,make,go,be, написать о себе 2 предл. в Present Simple, 2 предл. в Past Simple, 2 предл. во Future Simple.
Answers & Comments
See - saw Win - won Do - did Make - made Go - went Be - was/were P.S 1. I brush my teeth every day. 2. I wake up every day at seven o'clock. Future Simple. 1. I will do it tomorrow. 2. I will go to the park on the next week
Answers & Comments
Win - won
Do - did
Make - made
Go - went
Be - was/were
P.S 1. I brush my teeth every day.
2. I wake up every day at seven o'clock.
Future Simple.
1. I will do it tomorrow.
2. I will go to the park on the next week