1 Cinderella is a real "rags-to-riches" fairy tale.
2 If you play the lottery, you may be lucky and "strike it rich."
3 It can be said that people who choose to live in the public eye are "fair game" for gossip columnists.
4 When the teacher caught him cheating, he knew "the game was up."
5 If you want to be successful, motivation is the "name of the game."
1. rags-to-riches
2. strike it rich
3. fair game
4. the game was up
5. name of the game
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1 Cinderella is a real "rags-to-riches" fairy tale.
2 If you play the lottery, you may be lucky and "strike it rich."
3 It can be said that people who choose to live in the public eye are "fair game" for gossip columnists.
4 When the teacher caught him cheating, he knew "the game was up."
5 If you want to be successful, motivation is the "name of the game."
1. rags-to-riches
2. strike it rich
3. fair game
4. the game was up
5. name of the game