Complete the sentences with the correct form of the highlighted phrases from the text.
4 It's difficult to ___ between the two films, because they're so different.
3 Sara's very independent and doesn't enjoy ___ from other people.
2 Winning this money will ___ our lives.
Answers & Comments
3 Sara’s very independent and doesn’t enjoy teach help from other people
2 winning this money will good luck our lives
1.It's hard to choose between the two films because they are so different.
2. Sara's is very independent and doesn't get good pleasure from other people.
3. Winning this money will add happiness to our lives.
1.Трудно выбрать между двумя фильмами,потому что они такие разные.
2.Сара очень независима и не получает хорошего удовольствия от других людей
3.Выйгрыш этих денег прибавит счастье в нашей жизни.
перевод впринципе не нужен но я все равно написала
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