Напишіть листа своєму другові. Поділіться своїми думками щодо охорони природи. Напишіть про свої шкільні акції з переробки та інші речі, які ви та ваші однокласники робите, щоб зробити світ кращим. Запитайте про заходи, в яких він/вона бере участь у школі.
Answers & Comments
Dear [Friend’s Name],
I hope this letter finds you well. I wanted to write to you to share my thoughts on the protection of nature, which I know is something that is important to both of us. As you know, our school has been organizing recycling drives for a few years now, and I think it’s an excellent initiative to reduce the amount of waste we produce.
. I am proud to say that our school has made some significant progress in terms of recycling. Our school has installed recycling bins in every classroom and other places on campus to encourage everyone to recycle. Besides, our school’s environmental club organizes campaigns to raise awareness of the importance of recycling and encourages students and teachers to participate actively in these drives. Our school also has a garden where we grow organic vegetables and fruits, which is a great way to reduce our carbon footprint and promote healthy eating habits.
It’s not just about recycling, though. I believe that every little thing we do can make a difference in protecting our environment. For instance, we have a “no plastic bags” policy in our school. Students and teachers are encouraged to bring reusable bags, containers, and bottles to school, which helps reduce the amount of plastic waste we produce.
I’m curious to know what activities you and your classmates are doing at school to help make the world a better place. Have you started any recycling drives or other initiatives to protect nature? I’d love to hear more about it in your next letter.
Well, that's all from me for now. I hope this letter finds you well, and I look forward to hearing back from you soon.
Take care!
[Your Name